Adam Warchol

National Teamrider.

Instagram. @adamkrzysztofwarchol
Hometown. Warsaw, Poland
Home spot. All around Tarifa
Sponsors. Goya Windsurfing, Quatro Windsurfing, KT Surfboards, Akademia Surfingu, Red Bull Polska and Sun Zapper Polska.
What’s your magic board and in what moment did you realize it? Every board from Keith is amazing, doesn’t matter if is a windsurfing or a surfing board. I chose the Pyramidboards because of their shape and riding waves on this board provides me happiness.
If you had an unlimited budget or Keith came out of a lamp, what quiver would you ask for? A magic board that would carry me on to the places with the best waves on the Planet.
Dream Trip. I would like to travel all over the world and find new waves and experiences. The trips I’d love to go will be: Hawaii, Tahiti, Fiji, Indonesia, Australia, South Africa….. and many more.
Hobbies. Windsurfing, surfing, skateboarding, snowboarding, drawing, reading books, discovering new places…
Music. I like classic music like Beethoven, and the old rock and blues music like Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix, etc…=
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